The increase of the human population at proximity of urban centers is known to decrease the amount of available habitat for wildlife and species at risk. Fortunately, residential project promoters are increasingly aware of the importance of integrating the needs of wildlife in their projects in order to allow for a more sustainable development. Since 2005, Dendroica Environnement et Faune’s team has successfully managed numerous wildlife and environmental studies to help developers and private landowners to comply with the actual municipal, provincial and federal regulations.

In the field of residential development, Dendroica Environnement et Faune offers the following services:

  • Management plans for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark
  • Mitigation and restoration plan for the Barn Swallow
  • Wildlife and plant surveys
  • Permit request to work in or near wetlands
  • Beaver dam management
  • Coyote management plans
  • Restoration plan for shorelines and riparian habitats
  • Identification et assessment of the high water mark
  • Survey and monitoring and management pan for the Western chorus Frog
  • Wetlands and water courses characterization


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